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Sample Agenda

2025 full-day agenda. All times can be adjusted to accommodate your preferences.

My seminars should qualify for at least 6 hours of CLE credit. I provide extensive handoutmaterials in electronic format.


9:00 The science behind Chapter Method cross-examinations.

Behavioral economics: how people take shortcuts to decisions
Cognitive neuroscience: how the brain processes information and can tire
Cognitive psychology: how the brain prefers to acquire information
How storytelling wins cases
Construction of a cross-examination story
How jurors harmonize with the emotion of a story
Chunking facts to aid understanding.

10:15-10-30 Break

10:30 The Chapter Method of cross examination
How to build chapters of cross with examples
The mental economics of chapter method preparation and presentation
Building chapters to achieve factual goals.
Constructing Chapter Bundles
The advantages of telling big stories through linked smaller stories
Viewing an event as a series of smaller events
Examples of chapter bundles

12:00:-1:00 Lunch


1:00 Constructive cross examination
Methods and advantages of cross-centered preparation
How constructive cross-examination wins cases.
Asking safe questions when we do not have the fact in discovery.
Sequences of cross-examination
Placing chapters in a persuasive order
How to begin and end the cross
Staying on track when witnesses evade

2:30-2:45 Break

2:45 Page preparation of chapters of cross-examination
The architecture of a page of Chapter Method cross
Page format samples
Preparing for instant impeachments
The only 3 Rules of cross: Forming questions that control the witness.
Delivering questions that deprive the witness of time to deceive
Forming questions that shrink the field of evasion.
Group facts to use opponent’s witnesses to tell our stories.
Controlling anxiety.
How prepared chapters make cross more predictable
Using Chapter Method cross to ease juror anxiety
Inducing anxiety in the deceptive witness

4:45 Adjourn

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