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Seminars and Webinars


Seminars on Modern Cross-Examination

Each seminar is supported by an extensive PowerPoint presentation evolving more than 200 slides in a full-day program. The slides provide step-by-step explanations of the techniques, explain the science that underlies the techniques, and provides examples of cross demonstrating the techniques.

This is by far my most requested program.  It  is a full-day seminar providing at least 6 credit hours of CLE. By changing the many examples, I customize the seminar to fit the needs and interests of differing audiences; criminal defense, general audiences, civil plaintiff, civil defense, or family law.

Pozner on Cross-examination:
The Chapter Method

Pozner on Cross: 
The Chapter Method
applied to the cross-examination of experts.

This full-day seminar details multiple methods of undermining the expert’s opinion, and extensively discusses techniques to control the evasive witness. it can be presented in a 6 hour or 4-hour CLE version.

Specialized criminal defense seminars;

These seminars can be offered in either full-day or 4 CLE hour formats. 

Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method applies to defense of
alcohol/drug driving cases.

Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method applied to the defense of
sexual assault cases.

All seminars are supported by substantial handout materials describing the techniques. These materials are provided in electronic format in advance of the seminar. Handout materials are drawn largely from my book: Cross-Examination: Science and Techniques

(Lexis, 3rd Ed. 2018, Pozner and Dodd), and from my published columns on cross-examination. 

Upcoming Seminars

February 28,2025
Place: Arlington, Texas, Drury Hotel
Sponsor: Texas Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Program: Pozner on Cross: the Chapter Method (full day)
Format: In-person, livestream, on demand
Contact: 512-478-2514


Saturday April 5,2025

Program: Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method (Full day program)

Sponsor: Criminal Lawyers’ Association (Ontario, Canada)

Location: Ontario Bar Association offices

20 Toronto Street, Suite 200

Toronto, Ontario

Method: Live with remote viewing


Contact: 416-214-9875


Date: May 14,2025
Place: Bismark, North Dakota
Radisson Hotel
605 E Broadway Avenue
Sponsor: State Bar Association of North Dakota
2025 Indigent Defense Seminar
Program: Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method (full day)
Format: Live
Contact:, 701-255-1404


Date: October 16.2025
Place: Richmond, VA
Program: Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method (full day)
Format: live with simultaneous broadcast
Sponsor: Virginia CLE
Registration: (800)979-8253


October 23-25,2025
Place: Mexico City
Program: a 3-day series of lectures and workshops for a very limited number of registrants
The program will be conducted in Spanish and will involve several lecturers
Format: Live only
Sponsor: Instituto de Litigio de Alta Especialización
Registration: Jose De Lucas
Abogado Penalista, Mexico


Date: October 30.2025
Place: Toronto, Ontario , 250 Younge Street
Program: Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method (full day)
Format: live with simultaneous broadcast
Sponsor: The Advocates’ Society
Contact: 1-888-597-0243


Date: November 21,2025
Place: Vancouver, B. C.
Sponsor: The Continuing Education Society of British Columbia (CLEBC)
Program: Pozner on Cross: The Chapter Method (full day)
Format: live with simultaneous broadcast
Registration: :
Contact:, 604-893-2121

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